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shrine face care kit shrine face care kit shrine face care kit shrine face care kit shrine face care kit shrine face care kit
shrine face care kit
shrine face care kit shrine face care kit shrine face care kit shrine face care kit shrine face care kit

shrine face care kit

5454 INR/Box

Product Details:

  • Use Face Skin care
  • Form Cream
  • Quality Safe To Use Smooth Texture Standard Quality
  • Shelf Life 36 Months
  • Click to View more

shrine face care kit Price And Quantity

  • 5454 INR/Box
  • 1 Box

shrine face care kit Product Specifications

  • Cream
  • Face Skin care
  • 36 Months
  • Safe To Use Smooth Texture Standard Quality

shrine face care kit Trade Information

  • All India

Product Description

In modern and busy life we are neglecting our roots, nature,culture and traditions and incorporating modernisation in our life, diet andhabitats.There are certain environmental factors which also impact in our life.Where we talk about life so there is obviously talk of today's modernisationand all.Our skin is also affected affected by all tight habitats and fermentalfactors so to obtain the solution or cure of this problem we turn to our mothernature and thousand years old herbal remedial mention in our ancient tax thatis Ayurveda from where we selected some rare and beneficial hours for skin andafter many years of research promising expert person in different field we camewith this beauty care kit which is cumulative effect of science research and hardwork of a doctors and research scholars

       It is enrichedwith extra prayer herbs flower fruits or different essential and naturalshyaluronic acid, vitamin e, vit c, collagen and elastin which gives use yourskin natural radiance luminous regionate and regenerate set by buildingnational collagen and elastin with several healing properties of skin likereduce pimples acne, blemishes, fine lines etc.

Shrine face scrub is a skincare product used toexfoliate the skin. It helps remove dead skin cells, impurities, and sebum thatget clogged underneath the deeper layers of the skin.

shrine face wash

Common benefit of facial cleansing is the removal of dirt, oil,and other unwanted debris. Throughout the day the skin on your face iscontinually covered with bacteria, pollutants, viruses, dirt, and old (dead)skin cells. Shrine face wash

- Clear up any build up for healthier and smoother skin.

-Keep your skin hydrated, soft, supple, and youthful-looking.

-Sweep away dry and dead skin cells, revealing a fresh layer ofskin for a natural glow.

Shrine Face serums boost the collagen of your skin to keep itfirm, plumper and reduce the effect of maturity in your skin. Serums make yourskin more radiant and help in reducing fine lines. One of the many benefits ofserums is that they reduce inflammation and calm your irritated skin. 

shrine day cream

The main function of day cream is hydration. This product willkeep water in the skin and give your skin a softer and smoother appearance.Using a day cream will hydrate and nourish your skin to prevent feelings oftightness and discomfort. It also act as SPF30

And daily moisturizer to maintain your skin's moisture barrierand to prevent environmental damage to your skin.

shrine night cream

Enriched anti-ageing elements that reduce fine line andwrinkles, boost skin firmness and radiance. Plum oil and almond oil restorenatural collagen and uplift the skin. It balances vata and kapha thuspreventing anti-ageing of skin.

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